Patchwork Ladies Deliver A Year’s Worth of Love!
Our Patchwork ladies have been hard at work over the past year. On Wednesday, October 9th, these busy sewing women packed up a year’s worth of the fruits of their labor to be delivered to twenty different places. Their delivery of 245 quilted lap robes, 114 walker bags, 21 crocheted lap covers, and 13 crocheted baby caps were delivered to assisted living homes, hospitals, cancer centers, veterans’ associations, the Oaks Fire Company, and Genesis, covering areas in Oaks, Norristown, Sanatoga, Spring City, Phoenixville,
Pottstown, King of Prussia, Schwenksville, and Harleysville.
Let’s give a round of applause and a BIG THANK YOU to Helen, Nancy (who made all 114 walker bags), Barb, Pat, Esther, Diana, Caroline, and newest member Gail for the love they share with all the recipients of their beautiful handmade items and the message that Green Tree cares about them.